Use Cases

Application Migration
Serving as the coordinator for integration traffic, Omniplexus facilitates transitioning from one application to another through eventual migration

Application Communication
Omniplexus enables modern event-based communication among an organization's applications through a hybrid message/event bus model.

Quick Async Integration
Omniplexus Connectors allow it to communicate with hundreds of applications through their API endpoints.
Webhooks provide a more generic data exchange mechanism with an integration partner. Both methods can be setup within minutes.

Innovate and Integrate
Omniplexus enables creating and testing new ideas, products, services, and processes in an isolation, and then easily incorporate them into core integration activities.

AI Enrichment / Enablement
Serving as the coordinator for integration traffic, Omniplexus facilitates transitioning from one application to another through eventual migration

AI Alternate to Manual
Connectors to AI Services that are coordinated through Policies allow an easy insertion of AI capabilities into an integration flow.